• Show up on time
  • Sign in to Wodify before class
  • Log your performance in Wodify. That which can be measured can be improved. We track everything so you can see how you’re progressing over time.
  • Introduce yourself! We’re a community, and a family-like atmosphere is more fun and works better when we know each other!
  • Listen up when the coach is speaking! Anything else is a distraction to the group, puts your safety at risk, and shows a lack of respect.
  • Check your ego at the door! Accidents and injuries happen! They’re usually caused by impatience and false ambition. Don’t be greedy, take it slow, ask for help.
  • Leave the gym better than you found it (e.g. clean up, wipe down and put away all equipment, clean up chalk messes, dispose of trash and don’t leave personal items behind).
  • Be supportive and encouraging.
  • Respect your equipment! Unloaded barbells, barbells with 5kg plates, or kettlebells should not be dropped. The floor and equipment will suffer otherwise.
  • Keep the chalk in the bucket! Chalk is necessary for a better grip on your hands. Anywhere else, it just makes a mess and creates more work.
  • Be honest! Count correctly, maintain the standards, and always use proper technique, no matter how long it takes.
  • Cheer each other on! Motivation is key to your success! Use the group’s energy to push yourself to the limit!
  • Respect your limits! Our workouts are tough, and the weights are heavy. If you’re not there yet, ask your coach or scale down. It’s not weak, it’s smart!
  • Class time is for class workouts. Open gym is the appropriate time and place for personal workouts.
  • Bring your friends! But only for a trial session on Saturdays! Group classes are not suitable for absolute beginners.
  • Pay for merchandise before taking it.